发表时间:2022-03-26 13:19 建筑是用结构来表达思想的科学性的艺术 地址 Address|蝶湖壹号 户型 Apartment|住宅 面积 Square Meters|109㎡ 设计 Designer|上海谷辰设计 -Materials | 使用材料 原木、灯带、艺术漆、玻璃 一层原始结构中,楼梯位于餐厅位置,影响了用餐区视觉通透度。此外原始卫生间无窗,使用舒适度有待提高。基于此,我们做了如下改造: ●楼梯位移,借用原始卫生间部分空间,解放餐厅,满足屋主在餐厅待客需求。 ●客餐厅一体设计,加上梯形飘窗为室内引入的丰沛光线,公共活动区轩敞明亮。 ●在卫生间上开出小窗,借楼梯间采光,改暗卫为明卫,提高使用舒适度。 「优雅开阔,高级灵动」 ●客餐厅开敞无阻,不同功能区的起承转合由优雅的配色承担,营造场景的同时,消除公区界面感,构筑不一样的生活情景体验。 ●The guest restaurant is open, and the transition of different functional areas is undertaken by elegant color matching ●体块状沙发兼具理性与温柔气质,弱化扶手和靠背之后,视觉上更显高级灵动。大理石茶几缩小体量,别致的造型,为客厅注入毫不费力的艺术感 ●The create the scene and eliminate the sense of public area interface at the same time. 「空间通透,心灵放松」 ● 玄关处做悬空吊挂设计,上下留空,保证空间通透度的同时,增加视觉上的层次感。 ●The porch is made into a hanging type to make the space brighter and more comfortable and enrich the vision ● 简约吊顶、极窄风口、内嵌式踢脚线,弱化刻意的设计语言,简约通透的空间,让居者得到身体与心灵的深度放松。 ● Simple ceiling, extremely narrow air outlet and embedded skirting line weaken the deliberate design language and simple and transparent space, so that the residents can deeply relax their body and mind. 「朦胧之美,诗意悠然」 ●从客厅中划出一处钢琴区,轻巧板材嵌入墙面,利用纵向空间,增加区域置物能力。见光不见灯的隐藏灯带,让区域多了轮廓感,朦胧光影,勾勒空间的诗意与悠然。 ●Draw a piano area from the living room, embed the light plate into the wall, and use the longitudinal space to increase the storage capacity of the area. 「木质为引,串联空间」 ●圆形餐桌,契合屋主对温馨家庭氛围的追求。设计不是技艺,更多是居住者内心情感的传达。 ●The round dining table is the owner's pursuit of a warm family atmosphere. Design is not to show technology, but to convey emotion ● 优雅餐边柜、艺术装饰画、精致造型灯,多样化的形态,营造出一个多层次互动式体验空间,将城市的冰冷感隔绝在建筑之外,赋予居者更美好的生活愿景。 ● Elegant side cabinets, art decorative paintings, exquisite modeling lights and diversified art decoration create a multi-level interactive perceptual experience space, isolate the cold feeling of the city from the building and give residents a better vision of life. 「自然温馨,清透雅致」 ●干净素雅的硬装做底,背景墙做出利落纹理线条,空间形成内退感,以简驭繁,将现代时尚与自然温馨浪漫结合。 ●The clean and elegant hard decoration makes the bottom, the background wall makes neat texture lines, and the space forms a sense of retreat, which combines modern fashion with natural warmth and romance. ●原木材质做墙裙,温润雅致,床头的悬挑床头柜同样选择木质,柜体犹如从墙面生长出来。放上一株生机盎然的绿植,低调中蕴含对生命的哲思,清透中有雅致温润的触感。 ●The log material is used as the dado, which is gentle and elegant. The cantilevered bedside table at the head of the bed also selects wood. The cabinet body is like growing out of the wall, with a vibrant green plant. 「生活沉淀,精致品位」 ● 次卧选择矮脚床,降低空间重心,塑造朗阔自在的睡眠环境。阳台纳入次卧后,空间采光优势凸显出来,浅木疏窗,微风穿堂,体现的是屋主的生活沉淀与精致品位。 ●Choose a short bed for the second bedroom to reduce the center of gravity of the space and create a broad and comfortable sleeping environment. ● 阳台处靠墙布置高柜,柜体藏露结合,既是书柜,也是日常衣物收纳处。高级灰、复古棕、温润原木。多元而不繁乱的配色,在光线调和下,呈现出丰盈细腻的空间肌理,以素雅简洁的空间,承托快节奏都市生活中疲累的身心。 ●High cabinets are arranged near the wall at the balcony, and the cabinet body is combined with hiding and dew. It is not only a bookcase, but also a storage place for daily clothes. -THE END- ●谷辰设计是一家专业的室内装饰设计公司 ●自2011年成立以来,公司一直秉着高质量,高品质,高服务的从事家装及工装全案 设计施工主要以本地以及异地的公寓/复式、别墅、样板房、商业空间、会所、酒店宾馆等各个领域的专业设计规划和施工,深得业界人士。谷辰设计从设计、施工、验收等各项流程做到定制化、专业化,满足每一位业主对于居家品质生活的需求、个人审美及品位。从房屋的精确测量、设计及每个细节的用材采购,全程把控坚决杜绝偷工减料,以次充好,延误工期,诚信对待每一位客户。 联系我们 TEL:021-6091-0001 15618671206 上海市徐汇区石龙路345弄28号C栋 无锡市滨湖区华邸国际大厦A幢23B01 |