发表时间:2024-07-12 16:50 慧芝花园 Huizhi Huayuan ShangHai | Gu Chen Design |案例说明Case description 本案屋主是一对充满浪漫情怀和生活热情的夫妻。在沟通交流中,设计师能深切感受到,他们对美好生活的真切向往。对于理想中的生活,他们渴望的不仅仅是视觉上的美感,更希望家中能够充满温馨、充满诗意,让日常生活的每一刻都洋溢着艺术与情感的交融。 The owners of this project are a couple full of romance and enthusiasm for life. During the communication, the designer can deeply feel their true yearning for a better life. For their ideal life, they desire not only visual beauty, but also hope that their home can be full of warmth and poetry, so that every moment of their daily life is filled with the fusion of art and emotion. 设计师巧妙地融合了充满古典韵味的壁纸、全屋通铺鱼骨拼地板,以及一系列实木家具等元素,为空间注入了复古而典雅的气息。与此同时,简洁而现代的设计手法与低调奢华材质相结合,共同构筑出一个既具有中世纪艺术美感,又不失现代舒适感的优雅居住环境。 The designer skillfully combined wallpapers full of classical charm, herringbone flooring throughout the house, and a series of solid wood furniture to make the space retro and elegant. At the same time, the simple and modern design techniques are combined with low-key luxury materials to create an elegant living environment that has both medieval artistic beauty and modern comfort. 屋主诉求: 1、夫妻二人有办公的区域 2、无需电视,有投屏的地方 3、有喝咖啡、全家阅读、休闲的区域 4、有足够的收纳空间 5、浴室**有个泡澡桶(坐泡),需要梳妆台 6、要求室内整体采光要好,阳台窗户框的颜色要跟原来差不多,但不能大面积落地窗,会被投诉 Homeowner’s demands: 1. The couple needs an office area 2. No TV required, but a place to cast screen 3. There needs to be an area where the whole family can drink coffee, read and relax 4. Sufficient storage space 5. It would be best if the bathroom had a bathtub (a sitting bath). A dressing table is required 6. Good general lighting. The color of the balcony window frame should be similar to the original one, but there should not be large floor-to-ceiling windows | 客厅 Living room 「深沉静谧,感受岁月之美」 透光背景墙设计,将南主卧的阳光引入客厅。温润的展示墙壁龛、鱼骨拼地板....巧妙地引导视觉流动,在不经意间将温馨柔和的气息诠释出来。 The light-transmitting background wall design introduces sunlight from the south master bedroom into the living room. The warm display wall niches and herringbone flooring cleverly guide the visual flow, exuding a warm and gentle atmosphere inadvertently. ※窝在柔软的沙发里看书,好生惬意。 Snuggle up in the soft sofa and read a book. 在柔和奶白色调的背景下,中古风的小茶几散发出独特的韵味,让人百看不厌。 Against the background of soft milky white tones, the medieval-style small coffee table exudes a unique charm that makes people look at it again. 客厅吊顶采用内嵌灯带的简约设计,加之无主灯的设计,让空间更显开阔和层次感。 The living room ceiling adopts a simple design with built-in light strips. In order to make the space more open and layered, a no-main-light design is adopted. 一通到顶的储物柜,可以满足屋主各种收纳需求,将琐碎藏进“宝盒”里,让心灵获取更广阔的思想与生活。 The storage cabinet goes all the way to the ceiling. It meets the homeowner's storage needs, and allows the owner to hide trivial things in the "treasure box" to make his mind broader and brighter. 中间镂空处,可以做为餐边柜使用。在这里冲一杯咖啡,或在孩子睡着后饮一杯小酒,浪漫又自在。 The hollow in the middle can be used as a sideboard. Make a cup of coffee here, or drink a glass of wine after the children fall asleep. It is romantic and comfortable. 放眼望去,客厅、餐厅和厨房形成了一个开放而连续的空间,充满了“热气腾腾”的活力,自然而未经雕琢,同时散发着一种质朴而温暖的氛围。 Looking around, the living room, dining room and kitchen form an open and continuous space, full of energy, natural and uncarved, while exuding a rustic and warm atmosphere. | 卧室 Bedroom 「静谧优雅,惬意醇厚的温柔」 ※自成一方静谧,悠然自得,优雅舒适。 It is quiet and peaceful, elegant and comfortable. 设计师用巧思将空间尺度感融入细节中,原有飘窗改为办公空间,可容纳两台电脑,阳光正好,我们一起努力工作。 The designer incorporates the sense of space scale into the details. The original bay window was converted into an office space that can accommodate two computers. When the sun is shining, we work together. 高腰线设计提升了视觉焦点,与复古风格的壁纸、质朴的原木低床交相辉映,共同营造出一种轻松自在、随性而慵懒的生活情调。 The high waistline design improves the visual focus. The retro-style wallpaper and the rustic log low bed complement each other, creating a relaxed, casual and lazy lifestyle. 独立的步入式衣帽间,将卧室收纳需求解放开来,可以随心布置。 The independent walk-in closet frees up the bedroom storage needs and can be arranged as you like. 衣帽间巧妙设计了弧形转角,当光线穿过,呈现出深浅层次的朦胧感。 The cloakroom is designed with a curved corner. When light passes through, it presents layers. 在卧室的办公区,随手可触达的书架,为空间注入岁月静好的氛围感。 In the office area, bookshelves are within easy reach, creating a peaceful and tranquil space. 次卧的装饰风格似乎被定格在中世纪时期,胡桃木色的墙板、床体,搭配柔软舒适的床品,营造出一种平和宁静的氛围。 The second bedroom is in medieval style. The wall panels and bed are walnut-colored. Together with the soft and comfortable bedding, it creates a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. 利用悬空置物架、高腰线深灰色乳胶漆、单人沙发等装饰,来迎合整屋复古风格。 The suspended storage rack, high waistline dark gray latex paint, single sofa, etc. make the whole house more retro. 以云朵般顶灯作为照明,当夜晚来临,温暖柔和的灯光在卧室弥漫,伴孩子轻松入睡。 The ceiling light is like a cloud. When night falls, warm and soft light fills the air, accompanying children to sleep. 将床头与衣橱融为一体,充分利用墙面空间的同时,还能为收纳空间扩容。 In order to make full use of the wall space and expand the storage space, the head of the bed and the wardrobe are designed as one. ※拱形门给空间增加浪漫优雅的氛围。 The arched door adds a romantic and elegant atmosphere. | 餐厅 Dining room 「天然雕饰,生活烟火气」 餐厅利用弧形造型隔开,波纹玻璃,增加了空间的透亮感。光线透过波纹玻璃,漫射到餐厅中,一餐一饮也瞬间浪漫了起来。 The dining room is separated by curved shapes. Corrugated glass adds transparency. Light diffuses into the restaurant, making eating a romantic affair. 玻璃印花作为点缀,点亮一盏复古吊灯,满满的用餐仪式感。 Light up a vintage chandelier with glass prints to make dining full of ritual. ※自带滤镜的餐厅空间让人心驰神往。 The restaurant space has its own filter, which makes people fascinated. | 厨房 Kitchen 「回归本真,一切有了味道」 深色胡桃木橱柜,增强了怀旧的氛围感。厨房吊柜选用奶白色调,从视觉上增加了通透感。 The dark walnut cabinets are nostalgic. The creamy white kitchen wall cabinets add transparency. | 卫生间 Bathroom 「别具一格,彰显复古之美」 干湿分离设计,将洗衣机纳入空间,通过地砖有序排列,让空间更显整洁美观。 Bathroom wet and dry separation. Include a washing machine in the space. The floor tiles are arranged in order. The space is more tidy and beautiful. 特殊纹理的红砖,让卫浴空间更具视觉冲突的美。 The red bricks with special texture have a more visually conflicting beauty. | 作品信息 Information 「设计说明」 项目地点 | 中国上海 Project location 项目小区 | 慧芝花园 Project housing estate 设计团队 | 谷辰设计 Design team 项目类型 | 家装 Project type 项目风格 | 奶油中古风 Project style 项目面积 | 70㎡ Project area | 热文推荐 POPULAR ARTICLE RECOMMENDATION 联系我们 TEL:021-6091-0001 15618671206 上海 上海市徐汇区石龙路345弄28号C栋 无锡 无锡市滨湖区华邸国际大厦A幢23B01 |